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Why Okta Backups Alone Aren’t Enough


CEO and co-founder @acsense

Muli Motola

Co-founder and CEO

The Critical Need for Disaster Recovery in Okta Environments

In today’s rapidly evolving threat landscape, cybersecurity isn’t just a priority; it’s a necessity. For organizations relying on Okta as their Identity and Access Management (IAM) platform, the importance of a robust Disaster Recovery (DR) strategy cannot be overstated. While backing up your Okta environment is an essential step, recent incidents and industry trends, particularly in the healthcare sector, indicate that this approach alone may not be sufficient to ensure business continuity and resilience.


Let’s explore why relying solely on backups can leave your organization vulnerable and why a comprehensive DR solution, like Acsense’s continuous replication to a standby Okta tenant, is crucial for maintaining operational resilience.

Beyond Backups: Why Okta Tenants Need Comprehensive Disaster Recovery to Combat Ransomware

Backups serve as a critical safeguard, but they are not a complete solution, especially when it comes to complex identity environments like Okta. Recent high-profile cyberattacks have demonstrated the severe consequences of administrators losing control over their Okta environments, underscoring the need for a more robust approach to disaster recovery.

Case in Point: MGM Resorts and Caesars Entertainment Attacks

In September 2023, MGM Resorts and Caesars Entertainment were targeted in sophisticated cyberattacks where attackers managed to gain access to administrative credentials for their Okta environments. These credentials allowed the attackers to assume control over the entire Okta tenant, effectively locking out the legitimate admins and causing widespread disruption to their operations.

“Alphv issued a statement to its data leak site that took responsibility for the attack and claimed that attackers had compromised MGM's Okta super administrator accounts”

  • MGM Resorts: The attack on MGM Resorts began with social engineering, where attackers tricked a helpdesk employee into revealing critical information. With this access, the attackers took control of MGM’s Okta tenant, disabling administrative accounts and causing widespread disruption. The company’s operations were severely impacted, with its IT systems, including booking and casino management systems, going offline. The recovery process was slow and costly due to a lack of backup and disaster recovery tenant.
  • Caesars Entertainment: Similar to MGM, Caesars Entertainment fell victim to a breach where attackers gained administrative access to their Okta environment. Despite having backups in place, the company struggled to regain control over their IAM systems, leading to significant operational disruptions and financial losses. Caesars eventually had to pay a ransom to regain access to their systems, underscoring the importance of having a robust DR strategy that includes continuous replication and immediate failover capabilities.

How Acsense’s Disaster Recovery Could Have Prevented the MGM Admin Lockout

Understanding the potential impact of Acsense’s Disaster Recovery (DR) solution can be more compelling when visualized through real-world scenarios. Imagine the situation MGM Resorts faced when attackers gained control over their Okta environment, locking out administrators and disrupting critical operations.

With Acsense’s comprehensive DR solution, the outcome could have been drastically different.

Healthcare Under Siege: Recent Breaches Highlight the Risks

The healthcare sector has become a prime target for cybercriminals, with ransomware attacks surging by nearly 100% from 2022 to 2023. Groups like BlackCat have exploited healthcare’s critical infrastructure, knowing that health systems are often forced to pay ransoms quickly to resume essential operations.

Several high-profile incidents underscore the inadequacy of relying solely on backups:

  • Change Healthcare Breach: In early 2023, Change Healthcare, a major player in healthcare technology, suffered a significant ransomware attack. The attackers compromised sensitive patient data and critical operational systems, leading to widespread disruption. While Change Healthcare had backups in place, the complexity of restoring all systems and configurations delayed full recovery by several days, severely impacting patient care.
  • Prospect Medical Holdings Cyberattack: Recently, Prospect Medical Holdings, which operates multiple hospitals across California and Pennsylvania, was hit by a cyberattack that forced several hospitals to shut down their IT systems. This attack severely disrupted patient services and emergency care. Despite having some data backups, the recovery process was lengthy and fraught with challenges, underscoring the need for a more robust DR solution that could have minimized downtime.

The Importance of Business Continuity: RTO and Immediate Failover

One of the main reasons companies turn to Acsense is our commitment to putting your business objectives, particularly your Recovery Time Objective (RTO), above all else. In many cases, companies without a solid DR plan are looking at a recovery timeline that starts at four days or more. With Acsense’s approach, which involves creating a separate Golden Copy with immediate failover access, organizations can drastically reduce their RTO.

The recent attacks on MGM Resorts and Caesars Entertainment serve as a powerful reminder of the critical importance of minimizing downtime. In both cases, the inability to quickly regain control over their Okta environments led to prolonged outages and significant financial losses. Acsense’s DR solution could have provided these organizations with the tools needed to swiftly restore their Okta environment, ensuring business continuity and minimizing the impact of such attacks.

Clarifying Okta’s Shared Responsibility Model

It’s essential to understand Okta’s Shared Responsibility Model, which outlines the distinct security responsibilities of Okta as the cloud provider and those of you, the customer. While Okta manages the security of the cloud infrastructure, the responsibility for securing your specific Okta tenant and ensuring the availability of your data falls on your organization.

In the event of an issue, Okta’s native backups are not designed to fully restore your environment, particularly in complex scenarios involving identity configurations and administrative controls. This is where Acsense’s comprehensive DR solution comes into play—by not only backing up your data but also ensuring that your entire IAM environment can be swiftly and accurately recovered, safeguarding your organization against potential threats and operational disruptions.

Future-Proofing Your Okta Environment

As cyber threats continue to evolve, so must your approach to disaster recovery.

Relying on basic backups alone is not sufficient to ensure the resilience of your Okta environment. By investing in a comprehensive DR solution like Acsense’s continuous replication, you are not just backing up data—you are safeguarding your business operations and ensuring that your organization can quickly recover from any incident.


In today’s business environment, where downtime can cost millions and erode trust, taking proactive steps to secure your IAM environment is not just wise; it’s essential.


For more insights into how Acsense can help you protect your Okta environment, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We’re here to ensure your business stays resilient, no matter what challenges come your way.

The Ultimate Guide to Crafting an Okta Disaster Recovery Plan on any Budget.

If this guide has piqued your interest and you’d like to delve further into the topic, our comprehensive white paper offers an in-depth look at the subject of disaster recovery for Okta.


👉 Download the Full Guide




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